Students from Alexander High School hammered the first nails and raised the first walls on a very special house on Military Way in Veterans Place Saturday, August 7.

The group of students began their fundraising efforts in 2019, and after reaching their goal at the beginning of 2020, had to wait though pandemic delays for another year. They began by talking to a teacher and founding the Habitat for Humanity Chapter at Alexander High School. Next, theyheld bake sales, car washes, and every fundraising event possible to reach their goal — dollar by dollar — to build a house for a Veteran. A local attorney was so inspired by their efforts, he donated enough money from the Winn Family Foundation to put them over the finish line.  

The new homeowner is Steve Harris, a disabled Veteran who served in the Army from 1977-1980. He and his fiancée, Jane Kellogg, have been together for more than 30 years, and their life together has not always been easy. As recently as six years ago, they were both homeless and living out of their car. 

Through prayer, hard work, and much sacrifice, they were able to save to afford an apartment, in which they have lived for the past five years. After the Veterans Administration referred them to Habitat, Steve and Jane worked hard to earn the opportunity to become homeowners.

“We are grateful to all of our sponsors, but these students have earned a special place in the Habitat family,” said Jessica Gill, Habitat, NW Metro Atlanta CEO. “Their determination to meet their goal of building a house for a Veteran serves as an example to all of us.”