Hillgrove High School Habitat Student Chapter was busy last year raising funds to support of the 2019 Cobb High School Coalition Habitat house. They sold tickets for two seatings for breakfast on December 1st at the West Cobb Longhorn Steak House. The students served as host/hostesses, delivered plates, took orders for drinks and generally pitched in!

200 guests participated in the event. Everyone that came signed a 2×4 with well wishes for the new homeowner. Patrons and students had a great time.

The chapter does want to thank the West Cobb Longhorn Steak House. Long Horn manager Eric Dreffin proposed the idea, and the Longhorn crew came in early to cook and help out! These people are terrific.

The students can’t wait to get started with their 2019 build, which starts in February. They have such great hearts. When they were working in the fall in the freezing cold on a community service project, one student was heard to say, “When can we do this again? Helping people is fun!” That is the spirit!