Home Repair

Veteran Home Repair Program

The Veteran Home Repair Program is designed to help veterans continue to live safely and independently in their homes. These essential repairs improve physical living conditions while also promoting a healthier, more stable, and fulfilling life for veterans. The program addresses critical needs such as fixing structural issues, enhancing accessibility, and providing safe living spaces by repairing roofs, plumbing, electrical systems, and more.

By partnering with veterans in need, the program ensures that they can stay in their homes longer, without the worry of hazardous conditions affecting their well-being. These repairs reduce emergency calls, improve overall health, and contribute to the beautification of neighborhoods. Our goal is to provide veterans with the support they deserve, ensuring that they can live comfortably and securely in their own homes, surrounded by a supportive community.

Repairs can include:

        • Safe: Fixing steps, windows, doors, locks, and electrical systems to improve home security.
        • Warm: Replacing or repairing heating systems, weatherizing the home, and ensuring access to hot water and heat..
        • Dry: Roof repairs, siding, and plumbing to address and prevent water damage.
        • Accessible: Installing ramps, making ADA modifications, and improving accessibility in kitchens, bathrooms, and living spaces.

Sponsored by The Home Depot Foundation


To qualify for home repairs with Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Metro Atlanta, you must meet the following criteria:

        • Be a U.S. veteran with a general or honorable discharge from any branch of service, or an active member of the U.S. military.
        • Own a home in Cobb, Douglas, or Paulding County.
        • Be willing to partner by completing sweat equity hours. Sweat equity hours are earned by doing community service with Habitat for Humanity and other local organizations.
        • Your household income before taxes must fall within the following limits:
Household Size Minimum Income Maximum Income
1 $21,500 $57,200
2 $24,550 $65,350
3 $27,600 $73,500
4 $30,650 $81,650
5 $33,150 $88,200
6 $35,600 $94,750
7 $38,050 $101,250
8 $40,500 $107,800

Source: 2022 U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) www.huduser.gov
*Income of all persons living in the household

Questions? Contact:

E-mail: homerepairs@habitatnwma.org
Telephone: (770) 432-7954 ext. 101