(11ALIVE.com, November 12, 2018)
Marilyn Clark, was honored at a special ceremony and dedication, appropriately on Veteran’s Day. Clark, a native of Douglasville, said “There’s no place like home and I’m proud to be back.”
Author: Hope Ford
Published: 6:04 PM EST November 11, 2018
Updated: 7:28 AM EST November 12, 2018
A veteran who fought for the American Dream is now living the American Dream, after receiving a new home in Veteran’s Place thanks to NW Metro Atlanta Habitat for Humanity.
The group honored retired Engineman Chief Petty Officer Marilyn Clark at a special ceremony and dedication in Douglasville, appropriately on Veteran’s Day. Clark, a native of Douglasville who served in the U.S. Navy, said, “There’s no place like home and I’m proud to be back.”
Clark enlisted in the Navy in January of 1980 and retired from active duty in 2000. The seventh of 10 siblings, Clark was ecstatic to receive a home where she can have her family over for the holidays.
But, the first thing she plans to do when she gets the keys to her new home?
“Sleep. I’m going to take me a nap,” Clark said. “I’m going to dance through every room and just walk through and say thank you – give thanks to God.”

Clark, affectionately called “Chief,” helped oversee the building of the home on Veteran’s Place, one of two all-veteran communities in the country. She said she wanted a home with a swing, so, of course, the porch is large enough to hold a soon-to-be installed swing.
During the dedication – attended by veterans, Habitat for Humanity members and Senator Johnny Isakson, a veteran himself – Clark fought back tears as she sat in front of what will be her home in a little over two weeks.
“I’ve had my tearful moments,” she said. “I’ve had my hit-my-finger-with-the-hammer moments, but it’s all worth it.”
Sen. Isakson said he couldn’t think of a better person, a better day or a better organization to help make Clark’s dreams come true.
“Well-built, well-fashioned and the program makes homeowners and responsible citizens out of people who didn’t have the best breaks in life and make sure they cash in on it. I’m happy to be a part of it,” he explained.