Women Build

Women Build Around the Globe

Habitat for Humanity was founded on the belief that every man, woman, and child deserves a decent, safe, and affordable place to call home. Women and children, who make up the majority of those living in Habitat neighborhoods, are often the most impacted by poor living conditions.

For over 25 years, Habitat for Humanity International and its affiliates have hosted Women Build projects worldwide. Our affiliate’s first Women Build, called ‘Women’s Work,’ was held in 1995. Women Build empowers women volunteers to take an active role in constructing homes for local families, providing them with hands-on opportunities to address the affordable housing challenges in their communities.

Women Build Metro Atlanta: A Bold Step Toward Change

Women from across Metro Atlanta have come together to raise $165,000 and host a Women Build to complete a full house in 2025! They kicked off this exciting initiative with a Women Build Day on Saturday, September 14, 2024, where volunteers worked on a home currently under construction. This effort marks a significant milestone in our mission to provide affordable housing and empower women to make a lasting impact on their communities.

Get Involved

To sponsor or donate to the Women Build, visit the fundraising page here. 

Questions? Contact: Click here for more information. 

Honoring Our Co-Chairs of the Women Build Committee

We are truly honored to have these incredible women serving as Co-Chairs of the Women Build Committee. Their dedication and leadership are instrumental in making our Women Build initiative a success and in helping to create lasting change in our community.

Kim Gresh
Owner and President,
SA White Oil Company

Stacey Chapman
Principal, SVP and Owner, 
CROFT & Associates 

The 2024 – 2025 Women Build Committee is led by: 

Co-Chairs: Kim Gresh and Stacey Chapman
Secretary: Barbara Moses
Treasurers: Suzi Chang and Gabrielle Chapman
Volunteer Recruitment Chair: Allyson Moyer
Catering Co-Chairs: Lisa Lewis and Sontonia Sloan