Knights of Columbus and Modern Woodmen Support the Douglasville Veterans Build #2

Today, representatives from the Knights of Columbus and Modern Woodmen dropped by the NW Metro Atlanta Habitat for Humanity office to show their support for the Douglasville Veterans Build #2. [Pictured above left to right: Frank Moran, Knights of Columbus; Terry Henley, Modern Woodmen; and from NW Metro Atlanta Habitat for Humanity – CEO David McGinnis, VP of Development Andy Tatnall, Board of Directors Chair Mike Christian]

Every year, the Knights of Columbus and the Modern Woodmen sponsor a golf tournament in Douglasville to support local charities. NW Metro Atlanta Habitat for Humanity is among their beneficiaries. This year, they were delighted to be a part of Habitat’s newest subdivision, Veterans Place.  This is a planned 8-house development reserved exclusively for military veterans and their families.

Frank and Terry brought us a $5,000 check to assist in the construction of the second house in Veterans Place. The financial contribution of our house sponsors purchases building supplies.

Thank you very much, to the Knights of Columbus and the Modern Woodmen. We appreciate your generousity and commitment to the vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live.