Cobb EMC Funds New Furnace for Acworth Resident

Here at Habitat, we thrive on partnering with local corporations to give a hand up to deserving families in our community. Asarenee Givens is a 57-year-old Acworth resident and mother of a 16-year-old son. Thanks to a new partnership with Cobb EMC, Habitat was able to install a new Rheem furnace the family desperately needed. 

In 2019 after dedicating 20 plus years in the insurance industry as a licensed professional, she became disabled due to faulty surgery. When she and her son needed a new furnace, she was not able to afford it on her fixed income. Ms. Givens said, “Due to the huge cost of replacing this major appliance, without Cobb EMC this would have been impossible.”

Ms. Givens has been a member of Cobb EMC for more than 20 years. “I appreciate the assistance that I have received in these perilous times. Whenever, there has been a need, Cobb EMC has always extended a helping hand,” said Ms. Givens. “Whether it has been a $150 Walmart Gift Card, payment arrangements, the Cobb EMC member credit rebate, a smile from Tim at the drive-thru … Being a benefactor of this new Rheem furnace. I am Thankful.”